油过滤器:采用定制高端玻璃纤维油过滤器,并放大一倍余量设计,压差显示, 相同工况使用时间更长,有效延长主机正常使用寿命;Oil filter: Premium fiberglass oil filter, and double the capacity design, with pressure drop display, longer running time, effectively extend the service life of air end;
空滤过滤器:采用较高容尘能力和较低的流动阻力设计,可滤除空气中微小固体颗粒,过滤效率为99.%,并带 压差显示, 确保系统各零部件的功能正常运行和经济的使用寿命。Air filter:With higher dust capacity and lower flow resistance design, filtering efficiency ups to 99.%, and with differential pressure display, to ensure the normal functioning and economical service life of all components and parts of the system.